Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Episode Five RELEASE!
It's FINALLY live!!!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five: The Waves of Time is now available on Amazon!
And remember, reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend - if you are enjoying the serial, please consider telling others about it and leaving a review.
Happy Reading!
Thank you to everyone who expressed well wishes over the past two weeks. I am feeling much better, though not fully recuperated quite yet.
However, I can't bring myself to make you wait any longer, so at this very moment I'm doing one last read-through of Episode Five (don't tell my hubby, as I haven't actually gotten the green light to go back to work yet heehee) and then I'll be uploading it to Amazon so it should be available at some point today!
I'll update again when it officially goes LIVE with a purchase link once it's up.
Again, I apologize for the delay. I hope you enjoy the next installment of the serial and it's just a matter of "good things are worth the wait" :D
However, I can't bring myself to make you wait any longer, so at this very moment I'm doing one last read-through of Episode Five (don't tell my hubby, as I haven't actually gotten the green light to go back to work yet heehee) and then I'll be uploading it to Amazon so it should be available at some point today!
I'll update again when it officially goes LIVE with a purchase link once it's up.
Again, I apologize for the delay. I hope you enjoy the next installment of the serial and it's just a matter of "good things are worth the wait" :D
Friday, August 21, 2015
Sincere Apologies
Due to an unexpected medical emergency I have not been able to release Episode Five as anticipated. I have been placed on bed-rest with the possibility of spending the weekend in the hospital (hopefully just the former and not the latter *sigh*)
I feel horrible about this, and apologize profusely to anyone who was looking forward to getting Episode Five today. I promise to get it out to you as soon as I am physically able.
Again, my sincerest apologies.
I'll update you as soon as I have been cleared to get back to work :(
I feel horrible about this, and apologize profusely to anyone who was looking forward to getting Episode Five today. I promise to get it out to you as soon as I am physically able.
Again, my sincerest apologies.
I'll update you as soon as I have been cleared to get back to work :(
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Teaser Tuesday!
Just a few more days until Episode Five is released. I'm sooooo excited!!!! You'd think by now it would have lost its luster - but no, every time is like the first time. :D
Today's teaser is a snippet of conversation between Cinnamon and the Captain of the pirate ship who has taken her and the entire crew of the Rapturous Dawn prisoner.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five : The Waves of Time
That Captain! Sheesh, even I'm not sure if I feel sorry for him, or if I want Cinnamon to gouge his eyes out - and he's a figment of my imagination! Ha!
Episode Five will be available on Amazon this Friday, August 21st. If you'd like to be notified when new episodes are released, please consider joining our newsletter for updates and special promotions:
Thanks for reading!
Today's teaser is a snippet of conversation between Cinnamon and the Captain of the pirate ship who has taken her and the entire crew of the Rapturous Dawn prisoner.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five : The Waves of Time
Cinnamon leaned forward, trying to keep the rope loose between them. He smiled, satisfied, and then coiled the end around his forearm, pulling her towards him until she could feel his breath on her cheeks.
“If you promise to behave no harm will come to you.” Cinn lifted her eyes, nodding. The Captain pursed his lips skeptically, “You promise not to shift?”
“I don’t know how to shift.” She said steadily, her chin rising higher as she met his gaze.
“Is that so? Interesting.” His lip curled on one side as he coiled the rope around his arm again, giving her so little leeway she was forced to kneel in front of him. With his other hand he pressed his fingers under her chin, lifting her face to peer curiously into her eyes. Cinnamon’s mouth twisted into a sneer of disgust.
“I’m not an evil man.” He said softly, “Just a desperate one. Centuries of torment have made us this way. Time has driven us mad - but we cannot lose our humanity.” Cinnamon made a small sound of doubt and he narrowed his eyes at her. “But what would a creature like you know of humanity?”
Cinnamon pressed her lips into a thin line, exhaling through her nose, “I was raised as a human. I lived among them my whole life. Their capacity for goodness is only equal to their capacity for cruelty.”
“You think I’m cruel?”
Cinnamon didn’t need to answer.
When he didn’t continue, she began to feel brave.
“How did you come to be stuck in this place?” She asked quietly.
“The wrath of fate. Regrets we cannot atone for—”
He stared down at his hands and after a moment twined the length of rope between his fingers, hardening his fist.
That Captain! Sheesh, even I'm not sure if I feel sorry for him, or if I want Cinnamon to gouge his eyes out - and he's a figment of my imagination! Ha!
Episode Five will be available on Amazon this Friday, August 21st. If you'd like to be notified when new episodes are released, please consider joining our newsletter for updates and special promotions:
Friday, August 14, 2015
Friday Fix - Episode Five Cover Reveal
All right! Time for the "official" cover reveal for Episode Five lol
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five: The Waves of Time
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Five:
The Rapturous Dawn has been trapped in the Waves of Time for months - supplies are running low and the crew is growing restless. As Lady Night and Captain Sheridan struggle to quell the growing hostility and suspicion, a mysterious ship appears in the Waves - sporting black sails the notorious Jolly Roger. The Rapturous Dawn is quickly overtaken, and Cinn finds there is nothing quite so frightening as a ship full of pirates who’ve been cursed by the Lord of Time.
But pirates aren’t the only surprise in store for Cinnamon. People she has grown to love and trust reveal their true faces and things on the Rapturous Dawn are about to get a whole lot more complicated.
The Waves of Time is the fifth episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Tuesday Tease - Episode Five
Whoooo! Episode Five. We're half way through Season One :)
On with the teaser!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five : The Waves of Time
As I stated last week, Episode Five delves deeper into the backstory of the Rapturous Dawn and its crew. Secrets are revealed that change everything. Oh, and there's pirates. Yay!
In other news, Episode Three: The Playwright is FREE today on Amazon, so if you haven't read it yet hop on over and get a copy. :)
Thanks for reading!
On with the teaser!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Five : The Waves of Time
Leilani tapped her apprentice on the forehead to draw her attention and Cinnamon blinked up at her in surprise, “This exercise, on the other hand, is all about control - or your lack of it. You might as well practice while we have the opportunity.”
Cinnamon heaved a sigh, dropping down onto her haunches before plopping her butt down onto the deck.
“I’m hopeless. You make it look so easy.”
Leilani gave her a sympathetic smile, “I’ve had all of Time to practice. It’s part of who you are. You’ll figure it out eventually.”
All of Time…
Cinn wondered sometimes just how long her Mistress had been riding the Waves of Time. Countless centuries - forward and back - into infinity. The prospect was both exhilarating and daunting. It was as if the Rapturous Dawn existed out of time entirely, and the ship and its passengers only existed in the time-line of the world for the brief intervals when they docked with dry land.
As I stated last week, Episode Five delves deeper into the backstory of the Rapturous Dawn and its crew. Secrets are revealed that change everything. Oh, and there's pirates. Yay!
In other news, Episode Three: The Playwright is FREE today on Amazon, so if you haven't read it yet hop on over and get a copy. :)
Thanks for reading!
Friday, August 7, 2015
The Friday Fix - Cover Changes / Cover Reveals
*Re-reads her post title*
Either I'm still half asleep, or that title sounds like the cover is doing a strip-tease lol!
Yeah, maybe I'm still too sleepy...
*Comes back an hour later after consuming a substantial amount of coffee.*
Okay, much more awake and less silly now (maybe :P)
While working on the cover for Episode Five, I decided to make some changes to the previous four episodes. I think the revised covers look pretty good, though I still may make some more changes in the future *shakes fist at Episode Three*.
Well, today was just a peek. I'll be doing a proper cover reveal with blurb next week on the Friday Fix - and teasers for Episode Five start next week, so stick around.
Thanks for reading :D
Either I'm still half asleep, or that title sounds like the cover is doing a strip-tease lol!
Yeah, maybe I'm still too sleepy...
*Comes back an hour later after consuming a substantial amount of coffee.*
Okay, much more awake and less silly now (maybe :P)
While working on the cover for Episode Five, I decided to make some changes to the previous four episodes. I think the revised covers look pretty good, though I still may make some more changes in the future *shakes fist at Episode Three*.
Oh, what's this? The cover for Episode Five?
Yep, what do you think?
I think, so far, the cover for Episode Five is probably my favorite - but then again, it's a special episode. It delves deeper into the back-story of the Rapturous Dawn and its crew - and there's pirates. Who doesn't love some dangerous, morally corrupt pirates to shake things up?
Thanks for reading :D
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Tuesday Tease
This week's teaser is a short one (but a hot one :P)
Without further ado, the final teaser for Episode Four, now available on Amazon.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
In other news, you may or may not have noticed the new "What is Serialized Fiction" page on the blog. If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think. I was trying to put together something simple and straightforward for readers confused about the format - suggestions for anything I've missed or if something is still unclear let me know.
And as always, comments are welcome.
Have a great week!
Without further ado, the final teaser for Episode Four, now available on Amazon.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
It was fascinating, feeling the familiar, intimate curves of her body on someone else. Hearing the passionate sounds she made - coming from someone else’s lips.
“Let’s play a new game.” The doppelganger purred into Cinn's ear.
“We haven’t even finished the last one.” She responded breathlessly. He twined his fingers into her hair, kissing her hard as they stumbled backwards down the hall, the candle sconces sending shadows flickering in their wake.
In other news, you may or may not have noticed the new "What is Serialized Fiction" page on the blog. If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think. I was trying to put together something simple and straightforward for readers confused about the format - suggestions for anything I've missed or if something is still unclear let me know.
And as always, comments are welcome.
Have a great week!
Friday, July 31, 2015
The Friday Fix - Episode Four Release!

Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four: The Doppelganger is now live on Amazon!
Episode Four:
Cinnamon accepts an invitation to a remote castle in the mountains where she comes face to face with a mysterious shifter unlike any she’s met before. The Doppelganger is cunning and seductive - an enigma that Cinn can’t help but try to unravel.
But the Doppelganger has plans for Cinnamon, and accepting this particular invitation could be a decision that haunts her until the end of time.
The Doppelganger is the fourth episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
And remember, reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend - if you are enjoying the serial, please consider telling others about it and leaving a review.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Teaser Tuesday!
Ahhhhh I love Tuesdays! Can't explain it - been my favorite day of the week long before Teaser Tuesdays (though that now makes Tuesdays extra special for me).
We're doing another snippet from Episode Four, which is finally coming to your kindles THIS FRIDAY July 31st! YAY!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
So excited to finally get the next episode released! And on that note, I have a wee-bitty update:
The other "project" that caused me to delay Episode Four's release is still slogging along and not near finished. In order to properly utilize my time, limit my stress levels, and still get episodes out to you in a timely fashion, I've made a compromise. From Episode Four onward, releases will be every three weeks (instead of two) for the foreseeable future. If I get the other project wrapped up quickly, I'll consider pushing it back to two at some point, but for now it's the best I can do to accommodate everyone.
Now, back to writing. Got loads more fun stuff planned, so stick around!
Thanks for reading :D
We're doing another snippet from Episode Four, which is finally coming to your kindles THIS FRIDAY July 31st! YAY!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
“You dare to speak to the King of the Wolves with such a tone?” He growled, rising to his feet.
Cinnamon lifted her chin defiantly, staring him straight in the eyes.
“I would not - but you aren’t a wolf, and certainly not the King.”
His chest bellowed a horrifying howl that sent the small hairs running down Cinnamon’s arm - and then he laughed.
“Smart girl. Your Mistress has been teaching you well.” He grinned cunningly, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement as he slowly dropped back down into his seat.
Cinnamon clenched her jaw, “You invited me here under false pretenses. I wish to return to my ship immediately.”
He narrowed his eyes, small slivers peering at her in the dim candlelight. Cinn startled as thunder boomed overhead, echoing through the castle. The sound faded and an eerie silence stretched between them.
“When the storm passes, I will summon a carriage to take you down the mountain.” He said, “In the meantime, allow me to entertain you.”
Cinnamon wanted to refuse, but she didn’t have any other choice.
“If you’re not the King of the Werewolves, then who are you?”
He chuckled, waving his finger back and forth in front of his face, “Tsk tsk - that would be far too easy. Let’s play a game to pass the time, shall we? I’ll give you until the end of the night to figure it out.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then you’ll never know.” He grinned.
So excited to finally get the next episode released! And on that note, I have a wee-bitty update:
The other "project" that caused me to delay Episode Four's release is still slogging along and not near finished. In order to properly utilize my time, limit my stress levels, and still get episodes out to you in a timely fashion, I've made a compromise. From Episode Four onward, releases will be every three weeks (instead of two) for the foreseeable future. If I get the other project wrapped up quickly, I'll consider pushing it back to two at some point, but for now it's the best I can do to accommodate everyone.
Now, back to writing. Got loads more fun stuff planned, so stick around!
Thanks for reading :D
Friday, July 24, 2015
Friday Fix - Episode Four Cover Reveal
This week we're finally getting a look at Episode Four, due out July 31st for release.
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Four:
Cinnamon accepts an invitation to a remote castle in the mountains where she comes face to face with a mysterious shifter unlike any she’s met before. The Doppelganger is cunning and seductive - an enigma that Cinn can’t help but try to unravel.
But the Doppelganger has plans for Cinnamon, and accepting this particular invitation could be a decision that haunts her until the end of time.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four: The Doppelganger

Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Four:
Cinnamon accepts an invitation to a remote castle in the mountains where she comes face to face with a mysterious shifter unlike any she’s met before. The Doppelganger is cunning and seductive - an enigma that Cinn can’t help but try to unravel.
But the Doppelganger has plans for Cinnamon, and accepting this particular invitation could be a decision that haunts her until the end of time.
The Doppelganger is the fourth episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Hope you're enjoying the serial so far. Episode Four is one I've been looking forward to since the very beginning of the serial and I'm very excited to finally get it out to all of you.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
The Tuesday Tease - First look at Episode Four
The anticipation for Episode Four is killing me ahhhhhhh! (I'm so impatient lol!)
So, today I'll be doing a short snippet since I still have tons of editing to do and almost forgot what day it was eeeep!
This scene is an encounter between Cinnamon and the mysterious doppelganger who has taken the shape of Cinnamon's body.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
A little creepy, huh? But the doppelganger is so much fun to write (he / she likes to play some pretty wicked mind-games). I hope you enjoyed this little teaser - I'll be posting the new cover and blurb in this week's Friday Fix so stick around!
Thanks for reading!
So, today I'll be doing a short snippet since I still have tons of editing to do and almost forgot what day it was eeeep!
This scene is an encounter between Cinnamon and the mysterious doppelganger who has taken the shape of Cinnamon's body.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Four : The Doppelganger
“You want to know what it would be like to love your own body the way you do others?” The familiar sound of her voice poured from the creature’s mouth, “All you have to do is kiss me again.”
Cinnamon couldn’t lie, knowing her voice would fail and betray her, so she simply shook her head.
“But aren’t you the least bit curious? You have a dark side. You yearn for things you know you shouldn’t - chaffing at the shackles your Mistress has bound you with…”
“You know nothing about me.” She said breathlessly.
“I am your doppelganger. I know every dark desire of your heart.”
“You’re just a very talented shifter with an uncanny eye for detail.”
The creature smiled and Cinn shuddered at the strange way her own mouth curled on its face, “Perhaps.”
A little creepy, huh? But the doppelganger is so much fun to write (he / she likes to play some pretty wicked mind-games). I hope you enjoyed this little teaser - I'll be posting the new cover and blurb in this week's Friday Fix so stick around!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 17, 2015
It can't be Friday already...
Well, I don't have anything special planned for today, so I guess it's not a true Friday Fix, but I thought I might try a little something different and leave you with a question.
I know I probably won't get many answers until more people start reading the serial, but it's nice to get reader feedback.
Who is your favorite character in the serial so far and why?
(If you're answering this question in the distant future, put down your ray-gun and keep your answers to Season One characters only please).
Next week I should have a proper cover and blurb reveal for Episode Four ready for you, as well as some tasty teasers to get you through the grueling two weeks until the next episode is released.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and I can't wait to see your answers (I know who my favorites are but I'm not telling shhhhh.)
I know I probably won't get many answers until more people start reading the serial, but it's nice to get reader feedback.
Who is your favorite character in the serial so far and why?
(If you're answering this question in the distant future, put down your ray-gun and keep your answers to Season One characters only please).
Next week I should have a proper cover and blurb reveal for Episode Four ready for you, as well as some tasty teasers to get you through the grueling two weeks until the next episode is released.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and I can't wait to see your answers (I know who my favorites are but I'm not telling shhhhh.)
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Tuesday Tease - Special Blog Hop Edition

This week we're participating in The Paranormal Romance Blog Hop from Precious Monsters.
I've selected a special teaser just for the event - my favorite Sebastian excerpt out of the entire series so far:
Rapturous Dawn ~ Sneak Peek at Episode Five
Sebastian peered at her from under his eyebrows across the threshold into her room. His silver eyes shimmered and Cinnamon felt her cheeks warm under his smoldering stare.
“They’ve spotted an island in the distance.” He said, his voice much more casual than his expression.
Cinnamon swallowed hard, unable to take her eyes off him, “Do they know where we’re going?”
He blinked slowly, “It doesn’t matter.”
She licked her lips, trying to find her voice. Sebastian slowly took a step towards her and Cinn's heart began to race.
“About what happened—” He took another step and Cinnamon rushed the words before she lost the nerve, “—I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have kissed you—” Sebastian reached out, sliding his hand behind her head, pulling her towards him. Cinnamon’s eyelids fluttered, her lips whispering into his, “I was just so relieved to see your face.”
He grinned, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke, “It never happened.” She could almost taste him, his mouth teasing just out of reach, “No one has to know.”
Sebastian pressed her hard into his chest, his lips locking over hers as the door slammed shut behind him.
(This except is from an unpublished episode and may be subject to change during editing*)
Mmmm love me some Sebastian... Every time I read that scene I hear the door slam shut in my head and I shudder. Muhahahaha!
Okay, now if you'd like to check out the rest of the Blog Hop, you can find the full list of Blogs participating over at Precious Monsters. I'm sure you'll find lots of fun and spicy things to read - so, get comfy and grab a cold drink 'cause I'm sure it's gonna be hot!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Friday Fix Giveaway
Since we're not doing a cover reveal for Episode Four yet, I thought I'd treat you guys to another episode giveaway.
Just for today, if you hop on over to Amazon you can get a FREE copy of Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three: The Playwright if you haven't picked one up already.
And just a reminder, Episode Four will be released on July 31st.
Hope you're all having a wonderfully hot summer with loads of great reads and frosty cool drinks.
Just for today, if you hop on over to Amazon you can get a FREE copy of Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three: The Playwright if you haven't picked one up already.
And just a reminder, Episode Four will be released on July 31st.
Hope you're all having a wonderfully hot summer with loads of great reads and frosty cool drinks.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Tease Me Tuesday!
Let's just jump into our second snippet from Episode Three, shall we? In this scene, Cinnamon first meets the playwright's friend Daniel.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three : The Playwright
Episode Three is officially out on Amazon.
Next week we'll be participating in The Paranormal Romance Blog Hop from Precious Monsters. I'll be selecting a special teaser from a future episode (so, like a super-teaser?) for next week's post - so stick around!
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three : The Playwright
Daniel turned his full attention to Cinnamon and a slow smile formed over his lips.
“That’s very kind of you, Miss…”
“Cinnamon.” She answered his unspoken question and her cheeks warmed slightly as their eyes met. His resemblance to Sebastian was uncanny, a few slight differences - like the color of his eyes - but close enough to make her heart flutter when he smiled at her.
Cinn realized she was staring and slowly blinked her eyelids as if awakening from a dream.
“I look forward to playing your lover.” His lips twisted into a mischievous smirk and Cinnamon blanched.
Did he know the sordid thoughts floating through her head?
Benjamin laughed suddenly, a deep hearty sound that made her jump in surprise. She hadn’t thought him capable of such robust gaiety in his current condition.
“She hasn’t read the play yet.” Benjamin laughed again, reaching over to touch her reassuringly on the arm, “Daniel will be playing opposite you. Though you won’t have to speak, we should probably get you familiar with your scenes beforehand.”
Episode Three is officially out on Amazon.
Next week we'll be participating in The Paranormal Romance Blog Hop from Precious Monsters. I'll be selecting a special teaser from a future episode (so, like a super-teaser?) for next week's post - so stick around!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Friday Fix - Episode Three Release and other updates
Whooohoooooo!!!! RELEASE DAY!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three: The Playwright is now live on Amazon!
If that wasn't awesome enough, you can get a FREE copy of Episode Two today and tomorrow if you haven't picked it up yet. New episodes and free stuff - I'm having a pretty fabulous day so far!
On a more serious note, there will be a month-long hiatus between Episode Three and Episode Four as I attend to a prior commitment. Episode Four will be released on July 31st and the serial will commence with its usual two week schedule - but stick around, as I'll still be hosting some fun events, giving away more free episodes and posting your weekly dose of teasers in the meantime. I apologize for the delay, but this commitment was set up months in advance and I need to uphold my obligations.
And remember, reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend - if you are enjoying the serial, please consider telling others about it and leaving a review.
Happy Reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three: The Playwright is now live on Amazon!
If that wasn't awesome enough, you can get a FREE copy of Episode Two today and tomorrow if you haven't picked it up yet. New episodes and free stuff - I'm having a pretty fabulous day so far!
On a more serious note, there will be a month-long hiatus between Episode Three and Episode Four as I attend to a prior commitment. Episode Four will be released on July 31st and the serial will commence with its usual two week schedule - but stick around, as I'll still be hosting some fun events, giving away more free episodes and posting your weekly dose of teasers in the meantime. I apologize for the delay, but this commitment was set up months in advance and I need to uphold my obligations.
And remember, reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend - if you are enjoying the serial, please consider telling others about it and leaving a review.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Teaser Tuesday
The Tuesday Tease is so much fun! Without further ado, I give you the first look at Episode Three:
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three : The Playwright
If you enjoyed this little snippet, Episode Three is scheduled to be released this Friday, July 3rd on Amazon, just in time for some summer beach reading (or writing, in my case, because I still have so much more story to tell!)
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three : The Playwright
Cinnamon rolled her hands over the soft fuzzy skin, savoring the sweet aroma before placing the peach against her lips. She leaned back into the wooden railing, a gentle breeze ruffling her hair behind her as she peered up the mainmast to where Sebastian stood, his strong hands pulling at the heavy sails against the wind. He lifted his arm, drawing it over the sweat that dripped into his eyes, his hair slick over his head from the summer heat.
Cinnamon inhaled deeply, her teeth tearing into the delicate skin until her mouth filled with its soft innards, juices dripping down her chin from the corners of her lips. She chased the sweet juice with her tongue, sighing with contentment as its tangy flavor danced in her mouth. Sebastian grabbed the hem of his billowy white shirt, yanking it up over his head before stuffing the corner of it under his belt to keep it from blowing away. The fabric waved behind him, twisting left and right like a flag caught in a storm. His defined chest was slightly tan from the sun, sweat beading over the toned muscles of his abdomen. Thin black tattoos ringed his sinewy biceps as he pulled at the ropes. Cinn’s eyes widened and she swallowed hard.
If you enjoyed this little snippet, Episode Three is scheduled to be released this Friday, July 3rd on Amazon, just in time for some summer beach reading (or writing, in my case, because I still have so much more story to tell!)
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 26, 2015
Friday Fix - Episode Three Cover Reveal
This week we're getting our first look at Episode Three, due out July 3rd for release.
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Three:
In an unexpected twist, Leilani asks Cinnamon for a personal favor - to take on her human Patron, a renowned playwright with an insatiable lust for life.
Benjamin Thane is nothing like what Cinnamon expects, and when tragedy strikes, Cinn learns that secrets can cause more pain than a sharpened dagger.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Three: The Playwright
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Three:
In an unexpected twist, Leilani asks Cinnamon for a personal favor - to take on her human Patron, a renowned playwright with an insatiable lust for life.
Benjamin Thane is nothing like what Cinnamon expects, and when tragedy strikes, Cinn learns that secrets can cause more pain than a sharpened dagger.
The Playwright is the third episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Hope you're enjoying the serial so far. Episode Three has been a lot of fun to work on and I hope you all will love it as much as I do.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Teaser Tuesday - Hot as Hell
Here comes the Tuesday Tease - Hot as Hell edition. Yeah, we're talking about Whitaker - gorgeous, dangerous rock-star and the last living Dragon Prince. It's getting hot in here...
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two : The Dragon Prince
Mmmm Whitaker - this is definitely not the last we'll be seeing of him. Next week we'll be doing our first sneak peek at Episode Three: The Playwright, but if you want to see more of Whitaker (because I know I do!) leave a message in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two : The Dragon Prince
She could feel each rise and fall of the Dragon Prince’s chest as he breathed in her scent. She placed both palms softly against the hard muscles of his abdomen, intending to push him away. Ripples of flame danced over her fingers, licking up the length of her wrists towards her elbows and Whitaker sighed.
Neither of them moved.
Cinn stared down at her hands in fascination, the flickering flames like candles twinkling in the dark.
“I can’t tell you how good it feels to have someone touch me.” He whispered, so softly she could barely hear him, “Just one spark is enough to immolate anyone who tries.” His hand cupped her cheek, sliding down to her jaw, leaving small plumes of smoke in its wake. “But not you…”
Mmmm Whitaker - this is definitely not the last we'll be seeing of him. Next week we'll be doing our first sneak peek at Episode Three: The Playwright, but if you want to see more of Whitaker (because I know I do!) leave a message in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 19, 2015
Friday Fix - Episode Two Release

And since I like you guys so much, I'm doing it again - you can get a FREE copy of Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two: The Dragon Prince from Amazon all day today!
Episode Two is one my favorites and I'm very excited to share it with you. (I'm sure once you read it you'll see why!) I hope you love it as much as I do.
And remember, reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend - if you are enjoying the serial, please consider telling others about it and leaving a review.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Tuesday Tease - Double Trouble
This week I thought I'd give you a double dose of teasing, introducing you to one of my favorite characters in Rapturous Dawn - the enigmatic and gorgeous Sebastian. I've got a snippet from Episode One, AND a sneak peek at Episode Two which is scheduled for release on June 19th.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
You can get a copy of Episode One for 99c HERE.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two : The Dragon Prince
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
“A message for you, Mistress.” A voice cut through the heavy wooden door from the hall - deep and masculine.
Water was still dripping rivers down Cinnamon’s skin as the door creaked open and a head of dark mahogany hair and shining silver eyes peeked through.
Cinn froze as the young man’s eyes landed on her naked body, caressing every curve of her with an inquisitive smirk on his lips. She had never had anyone unabashedly observe her like that and her hands twitched, uncertain if she should cover herself or allow him to continue his thorough scrutiny of her anatomy.
Leilani had turned her back to the door - moving towards a row of hooks on the wall. She lifted up a silk robe, a vibrant shade of emerald, that she draped over Cinn’s shoulders before turning her attention to the messenger. Cinnamon quickly pushed her arms through the sleeves and wrapped the robe around herself, shielding her skin from the intensity of his gaze. The soft fabric clung to her, barely a fluttering kiss against her damp skin.
Leilani cleared her throat, holding her hand out expectantly, and the young man with the silver eyes startled out of his trance-like stare.
You can get a copy of Episode One for 99c HERE.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two : The Dragon Prince
“Did you see the drawing of the Dragon Prince’s lover?” Cinn grumbled, turning back to the book in her lap.
Sebastian frowned, “What about her? You’re not human, Cinnamon.” He snorted out a laugh suddenly, “That won’t happen to you. Your shifter body can do and withstand things you probably can’t even imagine yet.”
Cinnamon scowled, “What would you know about my shifter body?”
“More than you, obviously.”
Cinnamon clenched her teeth and Sebastian grinned wider.
If you wish to be notified when the next Episode is released, please join our mailing list:
Friday, June 12, 2015
Friday Fix - Episode Two Cover Reveal
For this week's Friday Fix, let me introduce you to Episode Two!
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Two:
After weeks of training aboard the Rapturous Dawn, Cinnamon is finally feeling secure with her new life. But when a request from the Dragon Prince arrives, Cinn isn’t sure she’s ready.
The 80s rock-star god, Whitaker, is about to light things on fire - and not all the smoke and flames rising off the stage are for show. Just one touch of Whitaker’s skin can set her body ablaze and Cinnamon must decide if she is willing to risk the fury of the Dragon Prince's fiery embrace.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode Two: The Dragon Prince

Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode Two:
After weeks of training aboard the Rapturous Dawn, Cinnamon is finally feeling secure with her new life. But when a request from the Dragon Prince arrives, Cinn isn’t sure she’s ready.
The 80s rock-star god, Whitaker, is about to light things on fire - and not all the smoke and flames rising off the stage are for show. Just one touch of Whitaker’s skin can set her body ablaze and Cinnamon must decide if she is willing to risk the fury of the Dragon Prince's fiery embrace.
The Dragon Prince is the second episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Tuesday Tease!
Since Episode One was just released last week, I figured I'd give you
all another taste for those of you who haven't checked it out yet.
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
Next week we'll be doing our first sneak peek at Episode Two: The Dragon Prince which comes out June 19th, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
“My Lady! So happy you accepted our invitation!” His dark eyes, almost black, swept over Cinn standing just behind Lady Night and his smile grew wider. “I didn’t realize you’d be bringing a companion, Mistress.”
Leilani’s bright red lips hardened into a thin line.
“My apprentice is here simply to watch and to learn. She is not to be touched under any circumstances.” Her voice held a dangerous edge Cinn had never heard before - it commanded obedience and the man’s smile shifted as he dropped into a flourishing bow before her.
“Of course, My Lady.”
Leilani turned to Cinn, her eyes sharp and firm, “Cinnamon, I’d like to introduce you to Lord Waybridge - our Patron for this evening and current leader of the Ursanthrope.”
Cinnamon dipped into her best mimicry of a curtsy, her heart beating faster each moment, making her head swim.
She had heard of Werefolk, but only in stories - the kind her orphanage mother would tell to scare her and the other children into staying in their beds at night. Even though she now knew the truth about shifters, there was still a part of her that trembled as Lord Waybridge’s dark eyes fixed to her intently, watching each clumsy movement as she righted herself. The intensity of his gaze made her squirm under its weight and Cinn stared down at the ground in front of her, knowing that if she looked up their eyes would meet and her cheeks would burn.
Next week we'll be doing our first sneak peek at Episode Two: The Dragon Prince which comes out June 19th, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 5, 2015
The Friday Fix!
The first Episode went live on Amazon yesterday, but since today is its official launch day I'll be giving it away for FREE all day! That's right, if you hop on over to Amazon today you can get a copy of Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One: The Great White Bear for nothing.
Pretty sweet deal, huh?
Tomorrow the price jumps back up to *drumroll please*
Yeah I know, not that big of a jump but I don't feel right about charging more than that on individual episodes.So, that's 99c in your pocket and a new fun thing to read on your kindle.
If you've been curious about the series, today might just be the day you sink your teeth in - I promise, it has a tangy aftertaste :P
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
The Tuesday Tease
Let's kick off our very first Tuesday Tease with something to get the blood pumping:
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
There you have it - the first sneak peek at the new series! I hope you enjoyed this little snippet and if you want to read more, Episode One will be available for your Kindle reading devices on June 5th, 2015.
Thanks for reading!
Rapturous Dawn ~ Episode One : The Great White Bear
He pressed his lips firmly into the nape of her collarbone, kisses climbing up the soft skin towards the curve of her jaw. Cinnamon squeezed her eyes shut as the fluted glass tumbled forgotten from her hand, landing in a pile of deerskin under her feet. Her hands groped desperately into the tapestry behind her, knotting her fingers into the rough fabric to hold herself upright as a surge of pleasure spun the room before her eyes. She had gotten drunk before, but this was something else. Intoxication was in the air - it was in the pounding drums that filled her ears, and in the scent of lust and need so thick she could taste it on her tongue.
There you have it - the first sneak peek at the new series! I hope you enjoyed this little snippet and if you want to read more, Episode One will be available for your Kindle reading devices on June 5th, 2015.
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Rapturous Dawn - Coming Soon!
The new Erotic Fantasy Adventure Serial - Coming to your Kindle June 2015!
The Rapturous Dawn is no ordinary vessel. It travels the Waves of Time, ferrying its supernatural crew across every ocean throughout history.
Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode One:
Now that Cinnamon is living aboard the Rapturous Dawn, things will never be the same. She will never age. She can shift into the body of any being in existence.
With this new home and new abilities comes an apprenticeship with Mistress Leilani Foucalt - courtesan and concubine to the supernatural elite. Leilani promises to teach her how to use and control dormant abilities Cinn never knew she had. But when Leilani brings Cinnamon to her first engagement, Cinn’s over-eagerness to learn causes strife between them. The Great White Bear sets his sights on the new apprentice and Cinnamon gets a glimpse at just why Lady Night is both feared and revered.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
Rapturous Dawn ~ The Erotic Misadventures of Cinnamon Blake.

Cinnamon Blake has just stepped aboard its shadowy decks, agreeing to apprentice with the ship’s sole passenger - the mysterious Lady Night. Cinn is willing to accept both pleasure and pain to master the secrets of her new world and find her place within it.
Episode One:
Now that Cinnamon is living aboard the Rapturous Dawn, things will never be the same. She will never age. She can shift into the body of any being in existence.
With this new home and new abilities comes an apprenticeship with Mistress Leilani Foucalt - courtesan and concubine to the supernatural elite. Leilani promises to teach her how to use and control dormant abilities Cinn never knew she had. But when Leilani brings Cinnamon to her first engagement, Cinn’s over-eagerness to learn causes strife between them. The Great White Bear sets his sights on the new apprentice and Cinnamon gets a glimpse at just why Lady Night is both feared and revered.
The Great White Bear is the first episode in the Rapturous Dawn Serial.
Rapturous Dawn is a work of serialized fiction - short, individual vignettes with an over-arcing storyline. You can read the installments like separate stories or follow them in order like episodes of a television series.
***Due to explicit sexual content, language and violence, this series is recommended for ages 18+***
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